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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

monkeying around

Last month we went to a friends place and made some sushi. The sushi was delicious but everyone of them tasted the same haha, we need to better practice our skills.

After dinner we got on the topic of relationships and love. I had told them a funny story about J and how oblivious guys can sometimes be. J once said to me (and of course I'll never forget it) "I don't know what it is, when I first start dating girls they are thin and then the get too comfortable and always end up fat" Me: "J!!!!!!! What are you saying?!" J: "No not you Jenna, you have only gained weight in your midsection" Me: "J!!!!!!!" Anyways, this is true, I have put on a few of the comfortable pounds and am slowly attempting to sweat them off. After a few more drinks, we made a song about it. Hahaha
Well the video won't work today, maybe another day

What I was really trying to get to after all of this is I want to live in a treehouse, with a year supply of Nutella. Awwww man that would be good. When I learned the guy playing guitar had a treehouse in his backyard I instantly wanted to be best friends. I have always wanted to spend at least one summer in one. Maybe we will go to a tropical place for our honeymoon and stay in an awesome tree house. Here are some random cool ones

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