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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Love Fest 2013

The best part of the families day is when big daddy J comes home. Usually Willow and I are playing in her room at that time while the dogs wait patiently at the front door. Timbit bolts home as soon as he hears J pull up. Jon comes straight into Willows room with Lily, Maple & Timbit in tow. Then the love fest ensues.

I snapped a few pictures to capture this and they totally melt my heart. Cutest thing ever.

Lily & Willow are BEST friends

 I was worried that once Willow came along we would push our fur babies to the side. But we love up on them all of the time. Sure, we may give Willow a little bit more attention and sure I get really really mad at them when they bark and wake up Willow. Like really mad, but I do love them and they are extra sweet to Willow. Well Lily & Timbit are, Maple just runs away from her. Ugh I love them ^^^^^



  1. that she is such a daddy's girl!

    1. I know, they just adore each other and it's so nice to just sit back and watch those two.


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