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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Say Hello To My Furry Friends

I have been waiting and waiting and WAITING for my moose friends to come back into the neighbourhood and pay me a visit. I knew they couldn't resist my luscious tree branches for too long.

I have seen a moose in my yard nearly everyday for the past two weeks and this fills my heart with so much joy. It too makes my my heart beat a little bit faster when I go outside at night to let my dogs out and there is this huge beast of an animal staring at you.

A momma deer and 3 of her babes were hanging out in my backyard


  1. II am excited if i see a deer in my mother-in-law yard. its pretty up there too. can't tell this guy are look sad,lol joking his so cute especially the last photo.. I already follow you. if you have time, please check mine thank you

  2. whoa that moose is seriously enchanting!


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