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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dear Sawyer (One Month)

 Dear Sawyer,

You are one month old!! It honestly seems as though you have been around forever.

- You are the biggest cuddler. I think I may have something to do with this because the moment you were born I haven't put you down. I know how fast this phase goes so I am soaking up every second with you. If I try to put you down to get anything done you cry hysterically

- At night you sleep for a couple of hours in your bassinet and then you realize you are not being snuggled and you lose it. You are currently sleeping in between daddy & I for most of the night. You are a much better sleeper than your big sis already, thank you!

- You look just like your big sister

- You are such a chill babe (as long as you are being held)

- you have met both sets of grandparents 

- You are wearing 3month & 3-6month clothes and are almost in size 2 diapers

- You weigh 12lbs 2ozs

- You just started to give us real smiles!! As soon as we make eye contact, the most heart melting smile spreads across your face

- You have have been on many beach walks and hiking trails in your short life

- You are very strong and have had strong head control for a long time. People always comment on how strong you are

- You spit up all of the time, we are always covered in sour milk

- You have already had your first cold and it was so sad

- when your sis is having one of her regular meltdowns as of late you make the saddest face and start to cry too 

We love you to the moon and back Sawyer Henry xoxo 

1 comment:

  1. aww congratulations on your new little sweetie!! i can't believe how tiny those legs are!!


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