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Monday, July 14, 2014

17.5 Weeks

 Oh yeah Oh yeah, I am getting my energy back. I feel as I am not as boring with my summer program kiddies as I have been the last few months. My competitive self is still dominating in tag.

Size: The babe is the size of a turnip. It must be a genetically modified turnip bc I am feeling huge. I can still fit into my regular clothes and for that I am grateful. I know I will be very huge in no time.

Movement: I can feel this babe move every once in awhile. I almost forgot how strange and exciting such a feeling is.

Gender: We are going to find out what we are having this time. The shock of Willow being a little girl was too much for me. I was so convinced that I was having a boy that when she came out I was in denial. Obviously I was soooo happy to have a sweet baby girl just totally blindsided. Unfortunately I have to wait three more weeks as we will be in Manitoba during the time I can go for my u.s. The anticipation is kiiiiillling me! 

Mood: Not a terrible B. I think I am more my happy self. Just way more emotional than I normally am. On the weekend a humming bird stopped and stared at me for a good while and was right in my face and I bawled my eyes out. I have been crying about it ever since hahaha it was just so beautiful! (I may or may not lose my patience with Jon more often than not, so I guess I may be still a horrible B, shoot)

Cravings: no cravings to report of 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

15 Weeks

Ooh it feels weird to be doing a pregnancy post again! The picture below is from a couple of weeks ago so I guess I was a couple of days shy of 15 weeks. I just started feeling better last week. This pregnancy has been totally opposite from my last, like night and day. With Willow I didn't feel too hot in my first trimester but this babe put me through the ringer. Barf, exhaustion, dizziness, terrible skin, crazy mood swings, and feeling absolutely frumpy. I have been a joy to be around I'm sure :o The one positive thing with this pregnancy is how at ease I have been. I haven't had any bleeding this time around which has left me feeling elated. No panicky tp checks every time I pee! 

Symptoms: exhaustion

Cravings: chocolate. For the first while chocolate turned me off but I am now back on it like a fiend.

Mood: a cranky biotch

Weight: I am not even going to focus on weight this time. I hadn't lost all of my weight from my first pregnancy so I am starting at a weight I am not totally stoked about. Just trying to eat healthy and the kids from work keep me active all day long. And let's not forget I come home to a very busy toddler. So I am living a pretty active lifestyle at the moment. I am thankfully not in Mat pants just yet :p 

Other: I was able to hear the babes heartbeat at 9 weeks and see it via ultrasound at 10 weeks. It made things so much more real so early on! We are so excited and grateful for this second babe!! 

 I haven't met my midwives yet but I secured a spot with them, woohoo! For now I am seeing my local doc:) I will do an up to date post tomorrow!