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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Winter Fun With Jaye

I am always saying how we moved here at the worst time. Everything is shut down for the winter and everyone's summer homes sit here looking so sad. They just hang out and yearn for winter to be over and summer to begin so they have their owners fill them with love, laughter, warmth, and life. Yes, I am overly sensitive and get sad for abandoned homes, ghost towns, trees that sit all by themselves, fallen leaves (even though they look so pretty) etc, but let's not even get into that :p.

I really don't have much to complain about because we have been so busy with visitors and visiting. It's making this winter fly by! I love it. We still haven't met any friends here besides Les and Mark (Mark is moving though) but that's ok because our old friends are awesome and we get to hang out with them a lot!

My best friend Jaye came out here for a weekend and it was so nice to have girl time.

I took her to a house concert at a B&B close by. Have you ever been to a house concert? Talk about intimate. It's so nice that a local place hosts these four times a year. You bring your own booze, bring a snack to share and everyone cozes into the living room and listens to some awesome music. That night they were featuring Red Moon Road.

They are a wicked Manitoban band and play a good diverse mix of tunes. Check em' out

They had some fun winter activities going on this winter. It's so weird even seeing a couple of people out and about as it doesn't happen often. You forget that people actually live here besides us and tourists just stopping by for the day. 

I like partaking in any kind of eating activity

Instead of walking on the nice snow plowed roads, J likes to take us on adventures.

A couple of locals slept in the "snow hotel" that weekend. It was very cozy

My tallest friend and my two shortest friends

Jaye enjoying some delicious hot chocolate in the warm up shack

Willow's first sleigh ride

Jaye looks especially cute in this picture

Not pictured: Wine, gossip, wedding talk, major relaxation, & tea


  1. Glad we're not the only ones covered in snow:) i'm SO over it, I want spring BAD! Willow's lookin cute as ever:) Stay warm!

  2. It's so weird to read this just as im composing a blog post about our first (and only) snow! Looks fun and exhilarating, especially the sleigh ride! Only in my dreams. I can't help wondering about all the layers you mist have to dress in, and how you must carefully bundle that precious package of willowness. Stay cozy!


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