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Monday, September 15, 2014

26 Weeks

Size: baby is the length of a green onion. I am the size of a manatee. The pictures don't show my true size, I really am quite big in real life.

Symptoms: I have a bleeding nose most mornings. My back is pretty darn sore most days. Jon bought me a massage for Mother's Day that I haven't used and a facial for our Anni. I feel a spa day is in order in the near future! 

I am hot all of the time. Normally I have the opposite issue and am always frozen. 

Movement: this little guy is still a crazy ninja fool. So set times, mostly just all day and night. Not sure if he ever sleeps or if he is just super active when he is sleeping. Willow still hasn't felt any kicks but Jon has felt plenty. 

Maternity Clothes: duh! I have two pairs of jeans that I rotate all of the time. This hot hot heat we have been having has had me throwing on dresses as of late. 

Cravings: ice cream and bagels with cream cheese. 

Weight: I haven't looked at a scale yet, I am much to afraid! 

My face is a tad constipated bc Willow started running into the woods at that moment. But there he is buried in all that dress


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