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Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Willow totally weaned herself off of breastfeeding around her first Birthday. We were only nursing at dinner and in the wee hours of the morning for the past couple of months. She just wasn't interested anymore. She would nurse for a minute max and was so distracted by everything. I am quite proud we made it this long. I remember how hard the first couple of months were. That god awful nipple shield, those cracked nips, those achy boobs.  I was seriously ready to give up. But am I ever happy I didn't, it truly is one of the most beautiful things I have ever done. Just knowing your body can provide & nourish your baby is so extraordinary.

By the second day we stopped nursing my boobs were as sore as when the milk first came in. So I gave in and let her nurse the following morning. However I only let her drink half of the supply. They didn't even hurt at all that following week! The tenderness totally disappeared. Now I have extra squishy, extra saggy dry milk bags. It's great to have my boobs all to myself again but I do miss nursing...a lot. I selfishly miss being needed, knowing I was the only one that could provide food for my sweet babe. I miss the way she would look up at me, those huge eyeballs staring up at me. I miss the quiet/alone time. I miss the extra long cuddles. I miss her playing with my hair. I miss it all.

For someone who has never been shy about their body I often felt uncomfortable breastfeeding in public. I don't know why? Good thing we always have lived in the woods ;p


  1. Nursing and holding my boy gently was always the happiest time of motherhood to me. Love this post and photo. :)

  2. love this post so much. we are down to one nursing at bedtime (have been for about a month) and i hardly even count it because i think my milk dried up when i became pregnant. it has been a difficult adjustment for lucy but the hardest thing was giving up the night nursings. she was still nursing several times a night at 10 1/2 months but i couldn't handle it. anyway breastfeeding is such an awesome and dynamic experience. i still don't know when she will give up this last nursing, she loves it so. it totally calms her down, although it doesn't often get her to sleep anymore. i am so interested to see what nursing a different babe will be like? similar experience or totally different? i was lucky that it came pretty easy although it sure did hurt like hell at first! anyway thanks for this lovely post and that gorgeous picture. i bet you could win an award for having nursed in the most beautiful places!!!

    1. The night nurse was killing me. Such a hard habit to get out of. Willow be came so dependent on it. You will be an old pro for your new babe!

  3. Hi Jenna!!! This post brought tears to my eyes bc I know exactly how u feel! It's an intimacy that you'll never get back and that she'll never remember existed. Wahhh! Hayden didn't really care about nursing at the end. i miss it!

    1. You will get to nurse your new babe soon! Yay!!!!


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