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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Is this real life?

Willow & I are sooo excited for her to meet my dad and her grandpa tonight and to snuggle my mom and her glama again. Today we are hibernating indoors as it's a wet one out there and just letting the anticipation build. I am hoping we get to enjoy some beach days with my parents but the forecast is calling for rain all week long. I am sure my parents won't mind so much as they will be happy to just snuggle Willz. I say this as I am watching the hurricane warning on the news down south and am totally grateful for a trinkle of rain. Be safe people!

J & I have been totally taking advantage of his extra long paternity leave and this warm summer on Cape Breton Island. We realize that this is the only full summer we both will be off and are soaking every bit of it up. Willow falls asleep to the sounds of the ocean pretty much everyday and she doesn't even realize how lucky she is! I am shocked that J & aren't ready to punch each other out as we spend seriously 24/7 together.But when we spend our days relaxing what is there to be upset about? What a change from this past winter where I was counting down the days he would be back home and in my arms. If we can spend as much time together as we do and still enjoy eachothers company I think we are a pretty great match :) 

Here are some beach pictures of my little family and our sweet friends from this past week :)
J & his buddy Noah

Noah and Giraffe

Mommy, Noah & Anouk

Swimming in the lake

J showing off his kayak to the ladies :p

We don't pack light anymore
Happy beach bums
Willows first dip in the ocean
She liked it!

The good old doggie paddle

Family Visits

Willow had so much fun being cuddled, adored and loved by her Grandparents and Auntie this past week. We have had such a fabulous summer and of course the weather wasn't the greatest when they came out. We got a few good days in there so spent them at our fave place... the beach! Willow was pretty spoiled and didn't spend much time not being held. They had to get all of there Willow snuggles in, in one week and Willz loved it! We loved having them here. We had a great visit, they not only spoiled Willow the spoiled us too. We had dinners cooked for us, walls painted, and laundry done, we have it pretty good!

I am totally bummed that my camera is being repaired over the next month. I have and will be borrowing everyone elses. I feel so lost!

Adoring their granddaughter <3

Willow wearing her first bathing suit given to her by Aunt Rosie

Proud Grandparents

Uncle John & Aunt Rosie came up for the weekend for some snuggle time

Auntie Christana


Willow & daddy . Her first "hike"

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dear Willow (One Month)

Dear Willow,

You are one whole month today! Time is flying by, I am loving every single second we spend together. Well you really could sleep more at night, I would love that a whole lot more. I have never felt more proud of anything. You are daddy and mama's whole world. Thank you for bringing us so much joy and love. You sure are teaching us a lot and we in return hope to teach you even more! Here is what we know about you thus far.

- You LOVE sleeping on mama and/or daddy's chest
- You recently found mama's hair and you love to give it a good tug
- Your head is so strong, you like looking up at us with your big blue eyes
- At 3am you don't like nursing on mama's boob, mom always has to pump for your early morning feed. Otherwise you get too frustrated.
-At 6:00am you won't go back in your bassinet without crying your sweet little face off so you sleep in between mama and daddy.
- You have had a very strong grip since day one
- You like to pee when we open your diaper up
- You are wearing 0-3/3 month clothing
- You don't like daddy kisses as much when he has prickles on his face
- The sound of the ocean at the beach puts you to sleep
- You love to study your mama and daddy's face.
- You fart all of the time
- You sound like a dolphin or a goat
- You have a signature look... the kissy face
- You sleep with your eyes open most of the time
- You recently decided you don't like sleeping at night anymore. 
- You love bath time and you look incredible cute in your little tub
 - You cross your eyes when you are trying to focus and you look pretty cute and silly

We love you to the moon and back Willow Rae xoxoxo

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Little Chubster

We took Willow to the doctor today for her four week checkup and we were really curious to see how much our chubster had gained. When she was born she weighed 6lbs 13.5ozs, at her lowest she was 6lbs 4ozs, and at 10 days she weighed 7lbs 6ozs. Well today at four weeks she weighs a whopping 9lbs 12ozs!!!! We definitely don't need to worry that she is not getting enough milk. The doctor even double checked the scale to make sure his scale was still accurate. Needless today we have packed away her newborn outfits and she is is in 0-3 months/3month clothing. I can't even believe we have had her for four fabulous weeks already, time is flying and I wish it would just slow down a little.

We are both so proud of our little babe xx

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Boob, Boobs, Boobies, Breasts

All day and night I am staring down at my boobs and my sweet babes head.  Poor J doesn't even look twice when I have my boobs out anymore because I honestly have my shirt off for more than half the day. He calls me boobasauraus and Willow the boobmonster. When you are breastfeeding you never truly get a "break". If you decide to pump and use a bottle for a feeding you still need to pump the milk that's desperately trying to work it's way out of your boob. When my breasts are really full, any kind of sound Willow makes they instantly start pouring milk.I feel like a cow most days, I am constantly being milked. I feel guilty at some feeds when I just don't feel like doing it. Some days she won't leave my poor nips alone, she wants to nurse alll daaaayyy lonnggg. I am pretty sure those have been growth spurts though and thankfully this doesn't happen daily.

I chose to breastfeed my babe because all you ever here is "breast is best". I know my baby is getting exactly what she needs and my milk is always warm, no preparation needed. Also, the cost of formula is ridic! I have nothing against moms who decide to formula feed. I don't understand why breastfeeding/formula feeding is so controversial? In my opinion there is no wrong choice, you choose what's right for you and your baby and that's nobody elses business. Any who, that being said, Willow HATES my nipples :(. I grew these huge boobs and nips but I wasn't able to grow nips long enough for her to love. So Willow and I use the next best thing. It's called a nipple shield, a total breastfeed savior. You just place it over your nipple and it's easier for Willow to latch on to because it goes back further into her mouth.(It gives you the bionic boob look) She is not the best at latching and gives up pretty easily without it. They say it's not the greatest tool to use as the baby doesn't get enough milk because there is no nipple stimulation from the baby. I don't think we have this problem because when Willow was born she weighed 6lbs 13.5ozs, her lowest weight was 6lbs 4ozs and when I started using the nipple shield the next week she was a whopping 7lbs 6ozs. So I know she is getting more then enough milk. I am trying to slowly ween her away from the shield but it's just not happening. Her face goes beat red and she gets so frustrated and starts crying. We just can't go anywhere without that darn shield, otherwise Willow won't eat. Ah well, whatever works.

It's funny how breastfeeding can be so hard, you would think it's the most natural thing in the world. For some (like me) it takes a lot of time and patience to get the hang of it. I do love that my body can provide for her everything that she needs. It's pretty amazing! Hopefully she will learn to appreciate my nips soon :p

Rhianna Rae xo

My FAVE singer song writer Rhianna Rae just posted a new song. Check her out...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Beach Babe

As to be expected Willow has turned out to be quite the beach babe. She really didn't have a choice as her mama, daddy and fur sisters are beach worshipers. In her short 25 day old life she has been to the beach around 15 times. I am absolutely obsessed with the age she is now but I can't help but to think how much fun we will have splashing around in the water and playing the sand when she is a wee older.

I hope one day Willow finds peace by the water just like her mama and a goofy fish just like her daddy.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Visits With Family.

All of Willows family lives out west except for a couple of second cousins and great Aunts and Uncles that live in Halifax. So she was soooo excited when her Great Grandma (who prefers to be called Nana) and her Grandma (who has earned the name Glama) flew out to meet her the day she got out of the hospital. They stayed for a whole week and helped cook, clean and cuddle Willow... it was fabulous! J and Glams would fight over who would get to hold her after she nursed. Wills was happy to be tossed around and given a 1000 smooches. She gets to meet her Grandma & Grandpa Hopkins and Auntie Christana in just two weeks! She is so excited to meet them in real life (rather than skype).

Here are some pictures from Glama & Nana's visit
Glama And Willow

My momma and daughter

Nana And Willow

Four Generations <3