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Saturday, April 14, 2012

26 Weeks

I am theeeeeeeeeeee WORST  self portrait taker. My face gets all awkward waiting for the timer to go off and I always end up cutting my head off. Anywho, baby turned 26 weeks a couple of days ago! Time has been flying by, it feels like last month I just peed on the stick.

Size- Baby weighs approx 1 2/3lbs and is the size of an English hothouse cucumber.

Symptoms- Sore back after going for walks and in the morning when I wake. I don't get out of breathe when just walking but if there is a little bit of incline I definitely notice a shortness in breath.

Movement- Baby is moving like CrAzY. I can count on babe to boot me for a good half hour around 10am every morning. And then periodically through out the day & night. I was cuddling my little dog Lily, and the babe started kicking her. Lil wasn't to pleased and was growling at my belly, it was too funny.

Maternity Clothes- I am so looking forward to it getting warm so I can wear maxi-dresses every day. Women say summer is the worst to be pregnant but I think it would be so much easier to slip on a comfy dress everyday. Good thing I live in the boonies and pj/sweat pants are quite acceptable for daily wear.

Sleep-Still haven't gotten up once in the night for a pee break. I have been waking a little bit through out the night to stretch out my back, but other than that no complaints here.

Cravings- Everyday I have to have a toasted bagel with cream cheese and red pepper jelly on top. Loving apple and cheese crepes too. Chocolate Milk is my fave drink right now. I hate white milk so at least I know I am getting some of my calcium from my choco milk.

If you look past all of the freckles and moles on my arms, you'll notice the big red dots that seem to have taken over my body this pregnancy. They are the worst on my chest

haha awkward


  1. you look so adorable! i have been wondering if/when my cats will see or feel my baby move when they try to relax near my belly, that story is hilarious! i NEED a bagel with cc and pepper jelly, YUM!

  2. yayayaya for a sweet bebe on the way! you're glowing! xoxo

  3. Looking good... and happy! That's the key :)

  4. Ahh the dress is lovely...and yaaah for continuing to exercise!

  5. you look so lovely like your blog!
    visit my blog and if you want we can follow each other via GFC!
    have a great Sunday!


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