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Friday, May 29, 2015

Dear Sawyer, (5 Months)

Dear Sawyer,

- you are in 6-12months all the way up to 12-18months for clothes

- you haven't been sleeping all that well these past few weeks and have been a bit fussier. I see a little top tooth coming through so I think that's the culprit.

- you are still a pretty darn easy going baby and are very happy

- you are super into glasses & bottles. If someone is holding a drink you are so determined to put it in your mouth.

- you are a sensitive little pea.

- when you got your shots done last month you didn't cry nearly as much as the last time. Phewff!!

- you are infatuated with your big sis as she is with you. You both are always giggling with one another and she calls you cootie (cutie) and sweetie pie.

- you have 2 naps a day, sometimes even 3.

- you need to be part of the action at all times

- your legs and arms are always moving

- you are always saying agog, dee dee, and da da

- You nurse every 3 hours and are still exclusively breastfed. I gave you a taste of banana and you were not impressed